Community Health Practice Settings Discussion Paper

Running head: FAMILY ASSESSMENT 1 Clinical Action Plan: Family Assessment NSG 482 November 1, 2019 FAMILY ASSESSMENT 2 Family assessment refers to the opportunity in which one can be in a position to get the family dynamics in a very dynamic way such as the psychoeducation and other families that is in a position to change all the necessary dynamics that are available. In addition, a report is generated (Mansfield, Keitner, & Dealy,2015) For this task I checked on HS and GS contextual analysis. In this family, we have an elderly couple who have grown old together and have four kids, three of whom are living, and one passed away after an engine vehicle mishap, lamentably brought about by kin. HS and GS’ living kids are independent, notably, they live far away from their folks, and don’t offer their parents enough time. They don’t visit frequently, and call rarely Community Health Practice Settings Discussion Paper.


This family would be viewed as a “Maturing Family,” as they have advanced and all their children have moved out. There are numerous issues that are being faced by HS and GS. HS is 86 with Alzheimer’s disease and lives at home. GS is HS’s caregiver, and keeps up obligation regarding all family assignments, for example, taking care of tabs and running the family unit. Sadly, HS has started meandering more, which has resulted in about two calls to the police to help find him. He has additionally had several episodes which include tossing a seat through a window. He is encountering more fomentation, because of his malady procedure. GS feels that only she is liable for thinking about HS and his needs, since he accommodated the family previously, when they were more youthful. Lately, she has been taking HS to an adult day care for four hours, two times every week, with the goal that she can get things done and complete a few undertakings. While this is helpful, this leaves her with almost no time for her very own self-care, cooperation with companions, or relaxation exercises. GS is socially secluded and is encountering a lot of worry from attempting to deal with the family capacities while dealing with her better half. FAMILY ASSESSMENT 3 GS is the sole breadwinner of the family after HS got sick. GS is liable for covering all the essentials and all the administrative purposes. They get the supplies, cleans the home, and facilitates any fixes and any other upkeep. She also seeks outside help that helps them to run her errands. Despite all this, GS would very much profit financially if HS invested more energy in the grown-up day care program. She has understood that she is encountering negative results from the measure of pressure that she is under, for example, getting thinner, due to not having sufficient opportunity to eat with her different duties. HS and GS likewise need satisfactory emotional supportive networks. Their three grownup kids live far away from them, and have not visited in quite a long while. They do call and chat on the telephone, yet not all the time. One child, JS, calls about once on a regular basis Community Health Practice Settings Discussion Paper.

Their other two kids, TS and MS, call less often and have not seen their folks in quite a while. The three kids confess to encountering trouble with respect to HS’s condition, and appear to fear seeing him. Each of them three submerge themselves in their high-stress vocations, and abstain from reaching out to their folks. This absence of family contact and backing could be causing anguish for GS, who as of now doesn’t have a lot of social communication because of HS’s expanded disarray, which has made her invest barely any energy with her companions. GS can’t satisfactorily adapt to her association with HS, as guardians of friends and family of people living with Alzheimer’s will experience a torturous procedure as their relationship changes to the parental figure job. Restorative discussion would assist GS, as she may become protective when examining and expanding HS’s time at the grown-up day care program, or when starting home care administrations. Building a confiding in association with GS would be significant. GS has been without sufficient passionate or social help for quite a while, which could make her vibe FAMILY ASSESSMENT protective when talking about these subjects. Helpful discussions are arranged, centered, and connect with the family. Medical attendants empower questions, connects with the family, and compliments relatives when qualities are recognized. These discussions can begin further dialogs, advancing fellowship among the family. Instances of restorative discussion questions could include: “What are a portion of your desires for a home visit?” and “What are a portion of the difficulties you face during your everyday life?” Inquiries regarding network wellbeing related themes could incorporate inquiries like “What sort of care groups for parental figures of individuals with Alzheimer’s are accessible in the network?” Another inquiry could be “What number of in-home consideration suppliers are accessible in the network?” GS might be progressively responsive to employing an in-home providing care organization instead of expanding HS’s time in the grown-up day care program, since he could be at home longer, while decreasing the weight of providing care on GS. A third network question could be about help with finishing in-home assignments, for example, cleaning-“Who are some cleaning administrations or supper specialist co-ops in the region? References Mansfield, A. K., Keitner, G. I., & Dealy, J. (2015)Community Health Practice Settings Discussion Paper.

The family assessment device: an update. Family process, 54(1), 82-93. 4 NSG/482 v3 Windshield Survey Template Data Overview Data Strengths Weaknesses Total Population of about 19,934, 451. This makes the focus on health to be taken seriously by the health department and other health partners. There is a high likelihood that the health services will not reach many people. This brings about health disparities. Mortality rate stands at 7200 before the age of 75 per 100000 population. There is no strength here. The data reveals that there are a number of health disparities. The infrastructure supports around 20 million residents. This is a strength because infrastructure is essential for the growth of a community. The housing supports 6.1 Million This a great strength because people have a good place to live in. Functioning businesses industries employ close to 60% of the population. This is a strength because people have an income which is a essential part of life. There is public transport. It caters adequately for the population. There are five community centers There are essential because they are helpful resources. There are 36 health centers There are adequate to reach out to a number of people. Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Windshield Survey Template NSG/482 v3 Page 2 of 3 Data Summary Please summarize your data by responding to the following: 1. Describe the strengths of community as evidenced by Windshield Survey. It is common knowledge that windshield surveys are used to map out critical community problems and the tool is important because it helps in the necessary information in relation to the community that is under assessment. After all this is done the complete nursing plan is drawn and it goes a long way in identifying the priorities and the community at large. 2. Describe the weaknesses (gaps in service) as evidenced by Windshield Survey. According to the survey, the main strengths of the area is that it is a tourist one stop. One of the other strengths is that their health focus is mainly focused on all the aspects that affect health such as social, economic, and all the environmental conditions Community Health Practice Settings Discussion Paper.

They have also partnered with other organizations so that they can have a positive impact in the community and this is because no organization is self-sufficient alone and they need to back up all the objectives that should be met in the health department. The good thing is also that they employ a number of strategies that can be in a position to prevent all the issues through the support of policies, reduction and elimination of health disparities, provision of screenings, leveraging resources, and be in a position to implement the evidence-based practice and access to health services. Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Windshield Survey Template NSG/482 v3 Page 3 of 3 3. Identify 1 problem based on the identified gap in community resources as an indicator of potential poor health outcomes The main gap in the service includes not being able to get down to all the communities in the area so that they can ensure that they are no disparities in terms of the medical provisions given and other health service disparities. This is an indicator that there is a very high likelihood of issues that will lead to poor health outcomes because people in this community are not in a position to access proper health care and also get the correct information. Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved Community Health Practice Settings Discussion Paper